b'POLY-TANK SYSTEMNOTE: These systems do not include tank, stand or containment vessel.tank systemsSYSTEM IDENTIFIERPTSPoly-Tank Tank Mount Equipment PackagePWSPoly-Tank Wall Mount Equipment Package80G80 Gallon Poly Tank Pump System120G120 Gallon Poly Tank Pump System180G180 Gallon Poly Tank Pump System Two wall mount tank 225G225 Gallon Poly Tank Pump System systems shown.310G310 Gallon Poly Tank Pump SystemPUMP SELECTION311:1 Pump w/Bung Adapter333:1 Pump w/Bung Adapter355:1 Pump w/Bung AdapterHOSE/REEL SELECTIONH121/2 x 12 Oil HoseH151/2 x 15 Oil HoseR251/2 x 25 Oil Hose ReelR301/2 x 30 Oil Hose ReelPoLy-taNk systeMR401/2 x 40 Oil Hose ReelR50 1/2 x 50 Oil Hose ReelC75 1/2 x 75 Oil Hose Reel Tank and containment vessel METER SELECTION must be ordered separately.VNControl Valve w/o Meter, see pg. 25ENElectronic Non-Preset Meter, see pg. 21ESStandard Electronic Preset Meter, see pg. 19TYPE OF DISCHARGE SPOUTRRigidFFlexHHose, 12TYPE OF DISCHARGE TIPAAutomaticMManualHHigh Flow,ManualAIR FILTER/REGULATOR W/GAUGEFR2Air F/R combo, 1/4, 230 PSIPTS120G33R25ENRAFR2Example: Poly-Tank System, PTS 120G 33 R25 EN R A FR2 as shown above is a tank mount equipment package including a 3:1 pump sized to fit a 120 gallon poly tank, 2 bung adapter, air filter/regulator, 25 hose reel, 1/2 x 6 connection hose, electronic digital meter with rigid spout & automatic tip and wall mounted drip tray. NOTE: Poly tank, support stand and containment vessel must be ordered separately.NOTE: For pricing see back section of price booklet.www.liquidynamics.com 45'