b'OILCOP GEN II FLUID MANAGEMENT COMPONENTSOILCOP GEN II TMFLUID MANAGEMENT SYSTEM COMPONENTSCommunication Data Module (CDM)P/N100921Acting as an antenna and FLUID MGMT. communication interface between the Controller Controller and any number of Pulse (CTR) Solenoid Modules (PSMs), Tank Monitor Modules (TMMs) and Input/P/N100854D Output Modules (I/Os), the CDM is The OilCop Gen II Controllerconnected to the Controller via an (CTR) communicates with an unlimited numberEthernet cable. Alternatively, if the Controller is connected to the of Pulse Solenoid Modules (PSMs) over extended distancesLocal Area Network (LAN), the CDM may also be connected to via substantially improved wireless communication capability.the LAN to allow communication with the Controller. Alternatively, Gen II components may be connected via two wireCommunication between the CDM and PSMs, TMMs and I/Os RS485 if desired. This arrangement assures ultimately reliablecan be accomplished wirelessly or, if desired, hardwired via OILCOP GEN II FLUID mANAGEmENT COmPONENTS communication in any environment since all portions of thea two conductor cable, i.e., RS485. This provides ultimately system can operate either wirelessly or hardwired.reliable communication in cases where there are electrically Acting as a control center and communication hub for thenoisy environments and/or metal obstructions. Power is Gen II system, the Controller records and stores transactionsupplied via the Power Over Ethernet (POE) cable connection to information such as User ID, date and time of dispense, fluidthe controller or Local Area Network or alternatively via a 12V type, dispense amount, work order, fluid inventory, etc. in aDC power supply P/N 100851.relational data base which provides flexible and customizablereport generation.All operational firmware is stored on the Gen II ControllerInput/Output Module (I/O)thereby eliminating the need to install application softwareP/N100732on office computers. A powerful start-up wizard is embeddedThe Input/Output Module (I/O) is used in the Controller which guides the System Administratoras an interface between in-line pulsers through set-up procedures and configuring automated systemother than the Gen II Pulse Solenoid maintenance, such as purging old data and setting up systemModule (PSM) thus allowing the OilCop backup schedules.Gen II system to be used with most OilCop Gen II can be accessed by any smart device, laptopany off the shelf pulse module in order or office computer with internet connectivity or via the Localto extend flow range capability and/or fluid area Network. This also allows OilCop Gen II software tocompatibility. Liquidynamics offers a wide range of inline easily integrate with 3rd party Dealer Management Systemspulsers in various materials and flow ranges between0.25 GPM (DMS), email reports, alarm conditions as well as receivingand 40 GPM. software updates. As with other OilCop Gen II modules, this device can be used wirelessly or connected via a two wire RS485 connection. Three LED indicators provide information as to the status of power, communication and solenoid. The I/O Module may also be used to monitor fluid tank levels of a single tank via connection to a single tank probe. Pulse Solenoid Module (PSM)P/N100730Located at each dispense point, the Pulse Solenoid Module is aEach Pulse Solenoid Module is a standalone device that provides unique combination of products designed to simplify installationunlimited economical dispensing configurations from one and significantly improve functionality and reliability. Thedispense point to as many as needed in increments of one unit. Gen II PSM incorporates a 24 VDC solenoid valve to start andGen II PSMs also incorporate an electronic bypass feature that stop fluid flow, a metering pulser that provides accurate flowallows the PSM solenoid to be bypassed during installation to measurement information and an inlet filter screen to protectpurge air from supply lines and in emergency situations. the metering pulser and solenoid valve from foreign materialSpecifications:damage. LED status lights provide visual confirmation of Power,Flow Range:0.57.9 GPMCommunication and Solenoid status. Viscosity Range:93,000 cSt.Gen II PSMs communicate wirelessly with the controller viaMax. Operating Pressure:1,500 PSIthe CDM or, if desired, can be hardwired to the CDM via twoPulser Accuracy:+/- 0.5% conductor RS485 cable. PSMs are generally located near aInlet/Outlet: NPTFdispense point, not at the control handle where damage couldInlet Strainer:150 Micronresult in costly repairs or replacement.56 800.894.3572'